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Take off, climb and cruise

This guide will explain the correct procedures to accomplish take off, climb and establish cruise altitude.

MSFS start from gate or runways

Microsoft Flight Simulator allows you to start your flight from cold & dark at a gate or directly from the runway with the aircraft ready for takeoff.

For this guide we assume you started cold & dark at the gate and taxied to the runway holding point.

If you did start on the runway you can skip the first part (Line-up) and directly continue reading Takeoff.


  • Aircraft is in taxi state (checklist TAXI completed)
  • ATC has instructed to hold at runway holding point
  • Aircraft is at runway holding point, parking breaks are set

Possible Checklist Download or screenshot of before start items

Chapters / Phases

This guide will cover these phases:

  1. Lineup
  2. Takeoff
  3. Initial climb
  4. Climb
  5. Cruise


The level of detail in this guide is meant to get a beginner safely up in the air under normal conditions while simplifying details which are not (yet) important for a beginner.

1. Lineup

2. Takeoff

3. Initial climb

4. Climb

5. Cruise

Last update: June 23, 2021